On March 27, 2007 Orko introduced one of its largest veins "Martha", which is an intercept of the Abundancia Vein in "La Preciosa Norte" sector. It yielded 6.45 metres true width grading 640.6 g/t Ag and 1.101 g/t Au, for a Silver-Equivalent of 706.7 g/t including 3.92 metres true width grading 981.3 g/t Ag and 1.585g/t Au for a Silver-Equivalent of 1,076.4 g/t in hole BP06-78. On May 09, 2007 "Martha" impressed us again, yielding 13.79 metres true width grading 376.5 g/t Ag and 0.320 g/t Au for a silver-equivalent of 395.7 g/t, including 3.07 metres true width grading 1,374.0 g/t Ag and 0.605 g/t Au for a silver-equivalent of 1,410.3 g/t.
The company has released three NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource Estimates and will be releasing its fourth by the end of Q3 2007. The table below shows the evolution of Orko's Inferred Resource Estimates.
On March 13th, 2007, the company released its third NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource Estimate of 4.39 million tonnes grading 229.9 silver grams per tonne (g/t) and 0.396 gold g/t, for a silver-equivalent grade of 253.7 g/t. This represents a contained silver-equivalent metal content to 1,114 million grams, 35.8 Million Ounces. This resource estimate is for the Abundancia and La Gloria Veins each over a strike length of 1.2 kilometres, Luz Elena Vein for 800 metres and Esperancita Vein for 300 metres in the "Mina La Preciosa Sector", plus the Abundancia Vein for a further 850 metres in the "Zona Sur Sector". This resource estimate is up to and including hole 76.
On September 7th, 2006, the Company released its second NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource Estimate of 3.43 million tonnes grading 0.435 g/t Au and 235.0 g/t Ag for a Silver-Equivalent grade of 261.1 g/t. (8.35 oz/ton). The contained metal equals 25.8 million ounces of Silver and 47,800 ounces of Gold for a Silver Equivalent to 28.7 Million Ounces. The data obtained from an additional 14 drill holes on the two main veins, La Gloria and Abundancia, increased this resource estimate by 30%.
The first NI 43-101 compliant Inferred Resource estimate was released on January 19th, 2006. Data from 26 drill holes totaling 11,579 metres form the basis of an Inferred Resource of 2.72 million tonnes grading silver 227.2 g/t and gold 0.464 g/t, for a silver-equivalent grade of 255 g/t. Contained metal in the Inferred Resource equals 618 million grams silver (19.9 million ounces silver) and 1.26 million grams gold (40,400 ounces gold) for a silver-equivalent content of 694 million grams, 22.3 Million Ounces Silver Equivalent.
Orko has conducted geological mapping, geophysical testing and has systematically drilled a portion of the known strike length of epithermal silver-gold veins on the property. Two of the veins, La Gloria and Abundancia, were drill tested each along 1.2 km strike length to establish veins on "La Preciosa" which have been traced for 5 kilometres north-south, as well as multiple east-west veins. Some of the veins include Abundancia, La Gloria, Luz Elena, Carmen, Esperancita, Transversal, Incognita, Nueva, Sur, Ramal Sur, El Orito, Nancy, etc.
Less than 30% of the initial target has been drilled and only to a true depth of 340 metres. The deposit remains open in all directions and to depth. The Company is drilling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at La Preciosa utilizing 2 diamond drill rigs.