Last Updated: November 15, 2016
Exploration work over the last 14 years by AngloGold Ashanti, Agnico Eagle, Dolly Varden Silver, Teck Resources and Homestake Resource Corp has demonstrated the significant gold-copper porphyry and VMS/epithermal gold-silver potential of the Kinskuch Lake region. Work on the property has included rock sampling, channel sampling, geological mapping and the drilling of 13 diamond drill holes in two campaigns along the south shore of Kinskuch Lake.. In 2002 thirteen holes were completed (1,664.44m) and in 2008, two additional holes we completed (475.54m).
The classic lithocap above a typical porphyry deposit exists elsewhere in the Kinskuch Lake area however the only drill holes to intercept porphyry mineralization were drilling along the south shore of Kinskuch Lake on the OK2 property. However, the orientation of the buried porphyry system beneath the lithocap is the now the subject of a new interpretation by OK2 Minerals and our geological consultants.
In 2003, hole BB03-02 returned two very interesting intercepts of porphyry mineralization on the Company's claim block grading 0.86% Cu and 0.64% Au over 21m and a second intercept that ended in mineralization retuned 0.36% Cu and 0.24 g/t Au over 25 m. No additional drilling has been completed in the area of these important intercepts. Nearby, approximately 1 km away to the east, an another hole may have tested the periphery of the porphyry and returned two intercepts of 9.15m of 0.16% Cu and 0.08gt Au as well as 7.58m of 0.08%Cu and 0.35 g/t Au (08BB-13). The untested area surrounding these encouraging holes will be a primary targets in the planned OK2 Minerals diamond drill program.
In October the Company entered into an option to acquire a 100% interest in two claim blocks; VMS block (1242 ha) and Golden Mickey block (776 ha). The VMS block adjoins the OK2 Kinskuch Lake property to the south and the Golden Mickey block lies between the Kinskuch Lake and the Dolly Varden silver deposit.
The targets for these claims are copper-gold porphyry as well as volcanogenic massive sulphides and epithermal gold. The VMS claim block has two known areas of gossan with precious and base metal mineralization as well as two areas of mineralized float boulders for which a source has yet to be discovered. The Golden Mickey has high grade surface samples with very limited follow up.
The VMS claim block has two known gossan zones and two areas of float mineralization. The Main Gossan is a 100 metre thick, one kilometer long altered zone on a sheared contact between andesite and argillite. One historic sample assayed 10.4 g/t silver. The Western Gossan covers an intensely silicified, pyritic shear zone in dacitic rocks 800 metres southwest of the Main Gossan. A historic chip sample collected over 3.0 metres assayed 13.2 g/t silver, 4.51% zinc and 1.39% lead.
The Golden Mickey claim block consists of several breccia/shear zones contained in an east dipping sequence of the Stuhini Group. A shear zone, 2 to 8 metres wide, has been traced by a series of trenches and pits for 200 metres. The zone is mineralized with disseminations, blebs and veinlets of pyrite, chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite with sporadic malachite and azurite in a gangue of grey quartz and calcite. A historic 1.8 metre chip sample assayed trace gold, 137 g/t silver and 2.2% copper.
In addition, a quartz-calcite breccia zone has been traced for 16.8 metres in a trench and a 4.0 metre long adit that was complete in the 1920's. A 1.0 metre long, 0.15 metre thick lens of massive tetrahedrite and arsenopyrite occurs on the hanging wall on the adit. A 40.6 centimetre chip sample from the east wall of the adit assayed 6479 g/t silver and 16.7 % copper. In 2007, previous explorers collected 19 rock grab samples of vein-related mineralization. The best gold assay was 0.919 g/t as well as additional samples that assayed 1.58% copper and 176 g/t silver, in addition to a sample with 1.91% copper, 112 g/t silver and 0.18% zinc.
The samples reported from the VMS and Golden Mickey claim blocks were collected by other companies and are reported in BC Government Assessment Reports, OK2 Minerals has done limited independent sampling in 2017. Field crews spent two days visiting the Golden Mickey target examining the area around a historic adit and to confirm the style of mineralization present. One sample returned 24.2% Cu, 7,688 g/t Ag, 16.5 g/t Sb, and 1.45% Zn. The mineralization is characterized by a 30cm wide lens of massive tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, and malachite within argillites that dips at a shallow angle into the cliff face. Given the proximity to the Dolly Varden Silver property and their ongoing success, this area remains of interest.
Work in 2016 consisted of detailed surface mapping, geological compilation and re-logging of the historic drilling in the Kinskuch Lake.
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